Sunday, February 22, 2009

Information literacy

Good information in any form helps make our personal worth more conducive to cooperate in a diverse world. Leadership requires us to advance properly and increase abilities by becoming information literate in order to motivate those willing to improve current standing. Personal gain motivates some to create false or misleading information portrayed as truth. Education leaders certainly must align true and correct with presented information by pre-screening before presenting. The world wide web is very alive, changing and present in our information environment. Being alert and knowledgeable about the variety of options through internet/ www improves the probability of choosing the best information and ignoring many detours.


  1. Please allow me to enhance blog 3.

    What does it mean to be information literate?

    Having correct information should help one be better organized and prepared. Obtaining that information requires some skill in using technology. Whether we are traveling and needing to use a kiosk at the airport or following directions on a GPS, we have to apply abilities in being information literate. Being available to assist others in finding information surely improves self worth for all involved.

    Why is this important given the abundance of information available?

    Today, we must be able to distinguish between the appropriate and unusable information for the intended audience. Students/parents/other teachers rely on us to help them improve daily. When we submit information to a selected group, it should be applicable and purposeful.

    How will you encourage information literacy in your field?

    As a teacher/administrator/parent/citizen, I will properly promote the use of technology to better others thus improving the setting in which I participate. It is of utmost importance that the information is true, applicable, sincere, and age-appropriate. Before allowing others to see/use technology, I make it a priority to fully view the information before submission.

    How does being information literate apply to your personal vision?

    Good information in any form helps make our personal worth more conducive to cooperate in a diverse world. Leadership requires us to advance properly and increase abilities by becoming information literate in order to motivate those willing to improve current standing. Personal gain motivates some to create false or misleading information portrayed as truth. Education leaders certainly must align true and correct with presented information by pre-screening before presenting. The world wide web is very alive, changing and present in our information environment. Being alert and knowledgeable about the variety of options through internet/ www improves the probability of choosing the best information and ignoring many detours.

  2. You've hit some key points head on in your posting. First information literacy involves the learning of information literacy skills, which are actually closely tied to another buzz phrase in education..."critical thinking."

    If we can grow this skill in students, they will better survive in the ever growing information era in which we live. I expect you to remain true to your vision in relation to information literacy. :-)

  3. "Being alert and knowledgeable about the variety of options through internet/ www improves the probability of choosing the best information and ignoring many detours."

    I do agree with you on the variety of options. And being knowledgeable, like the group work we did to find out if a site is legitimate, can help you with false information.
